TMJ, Night Guards and Snore Appliances

Night Guards

Many patients clench and grind their teeth during sleep. This produces lateral forces that can be destructive to existing restorations and implants, as well as causing significant wear on the patient’s teeth. A plastic guard, placed over the upper teeth, can act as a preventive appliance to counteract these harmful forces. We construct a night guard for most patients who have dental implants, as they are susceptible to breakdown from these lateral forces. They may also be effective for patients who suffer from chronic TMJ (temporomandibluar joint) pain episodes. Ask your doctor if a night guard is something you should consider.

Snore Appliances

Snoring can be quite disruptive to you and/or your partner. Snoring is caused by the closure of the airway similar to air escaping a balloon, causing noisy episodes. A snore appliance (called a PM Positioner) repositions the jaw to open the airway, allows a freer flow of air and minimizing or eliminated snoring. Snoring may be indicative of a more serious condition called sleep apnea. Therefore, we will ask you to be examined by a pulmonologist before constructing a snore appliance.

Help your snoring problem today

Do you snore? Do you hear all about it in the morning from a sleep partner or roommate? Do you often feel like a good night’s sleep never can be achieved?

Snoring is a common condition that can be a normal bedtime occurrence. Snoring can become a problem as it forms into habit and impairs sleep. Snoring happens as the flow of air becomes physically obstructed. It can be obstructed through the nasal airways due to allergies, anatomical abnormalities, sinus infections, deformities of the nose or a deviated septum.

Snoring Signs & Symptoms: dry mouth, sore throat, fatigue, problems with concentration, memory issues, mood changes, Interrupted breathing during sleep.Other issues with the mouth or throat can result in snoring. Snoring can be caused by age, your weight, nasal problems, alcohol, smoking, medications and sleep posture. Snoring is also closely linked to sleep disorders.

Sleep Disorders & Snoring

People with sleep disorders deal with interrupted breathing throughout the night with spouts of snoring due to obstruction of airways. Snoring is often a common sign of a sleep disorder. Obstructive sleep apnea is one such disorder that deals with the blockage of airways. Sleep disorders are serious conditions that must be treated. Obstructive sleep apnea patient’s breathing is often interrupted by choking, gasping or snoring throughout the night.

What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a common but serious sleep disorder where your breathing is briefly interrupted when you’re asleep. If you have sleep apnea, you’re probably not aware of these short breathing pauses that occur hundreds of times a night, jolting you out of your natural sleep rhythm. All you know is that you don’t feel as energetic, mentally sharp, or productive during the day as you should do.

 The most common type of sleep apnea—obstructive sleep apnea—occurs when the airway is blocked, causing pauses in breathing and loud snoring. Since sleep apnea only occurs while you’re sleeping, you may only discover you have a problem when a bed partner or roommate complains about your snoring. Though you may feel self-conscious about it or tempted to just make light of your snoring, it’s something you shouldn’t ignore. Sleep apnea can take a serious toll on your physical and emotional health.

 The chronic sleep deprivation caused by sleep apnea can result in daytime sleepiness, slow reflexes, poor concentration, and an increased risk of accidents. Sleep apnea can cause moodiness, irritability, and even lead to depression, as well as serious physical health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, liver problems, and weight gain. With the right treatment and self-help strategies, however, you can control your snoring and the symptoms of sleep apnea, get your sleep back on track, and feel refreshed and alert during the day.

Snoring Health Risks:-Breathing interruptions, poor sleep quality, Heart strain

Sleep disorders coupled with snoring can create serious health risks. Patients with a sleep disorder may have interruptions of breathing, light sleeping and higher blood pressure. Some ways to improve snoring are linked to losing weight, sleeping on your side and talking to a doctor about all of your options.


Can Snoring be a Medical Condition?

It is always a good idea to talk to us to figure out the cause of sleep distractors like snoring. Snoring can be resolved through devices, lifestyle changes and doctor’s evaluation. Find the cause and the cure today by contacting us to book a consultation with one of us. We are here to help your sleep disorder subside and fade into the night. Please take a moment to fill out the following and make an appointment today for an exam

Could It be Sleep Apnea?:

Take this STOP-BANG Questionnaire:

During the last week:                                                                                               Never         Rarely         Sometimes           Often

1. Have you snored or have you been told that you do?                             􀀀1               􀀀2                     􀀀3                      􀀀4

2. Have you had choking or shortness of breath sensations                   􀀀1                􀀀2                     􀀀3                     􀀀4

at night?

3. Have you woken up during sleep?                                                                      􀀀1                 􀀀2                   􀀀3                       􀀀4

4. Have you had morning fatigue or fogginess or

 woken up feeling un-refreshed?                                                                               􀀀1                 􀀀2                    􀀀3                       􀀀4

5. Have you woken up with a headache?                                                             􀀀1                􀀀2                     􀀀3                      􀀀4

6. Have you had chronic sleepiness, fatigue or

weariness that you can’t explain?                                                                            􀀀1                 􀀀2                     􀀀3                    􀀀4

7. Have you fallen asleep during the day, particularly when

 not busy?                                                                                                                              􀀀1                  􀀀2                     􀀀3                     􀀀4

8. Have you fallen asleep reading or watching television?                      􀀀1                  􀀀2                     􀀀3                     􀀀4

9. Have you fallen asleep during the day against your will?                    􀀀1                  􀀀2                     􀀀3                     􀀀4

10. Have you had to pull off the road while driving due to

sleepiness?                                                                                                                            􀀀1                 􀀀2                     􀀀3                     􀀀4

11. Have you been more irritable and short-tempered?                           􀀀1                 􀀀2                     􀀀3                     􀀀4

12. Have you felt your memory and/or intellect is impaired?                􀀀1 Yes         􀀀2 No

13. Have you been told that you stop breathing while asleep?             􀀀1 Yes        􀀀2 No


The Epworth Sleepiness Scale:

 How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations, in contrast to just feeling tired?

 This refers to your usual way of life in recent times. Even if you have not done some of these things recently, try to work out how they would have affected you. Use the following scale to choose the most appropriate number for each situation.

0 = would never doze.

1 = slight chance of dozing

2 = moderate chance of dozing

3 = high chance of dozing.

Situation: Chance of dozing:

Sitting and reading ________

Watching TV ________

Sitting, inactive in a public place (e.g. theater or meeting) ________

As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break ________

Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit ________

Sitting and talking to someone ________

Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol ________

In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in the traffic ________

Thank you

If You Score greater than 10 please come in for a consultation.

  Bed Partner/Witness Screening Questionnaire:

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Please answer the following questions as they pertain to your bed partner in the

past month.

1. While sleeping, does your partner:                                                 Yes/No/Don’t Know

Snore more than half the time?……………………………………………….      Y    N    DK 

Always snore?……………………………………………………………………..               Y    N    DK

Snore loudly?……………………………………………………………………….               Y    N    DK

Have “heavy” or loud breathing?…………………………………………….      Y    N    DK

Have trouble breathing, or struggle to breathe?……………………    Y    N    DK

2. Have you ever seen your partner stop breathing

during the night?………………………………………………………………….              Y    N    DK

3. Does your bed partner ever have snorting or choking

episodes during the night?……………………………………………………          Y    N    DK

4. Does your partner:

Tend to breathe through the mouth?…………….…… ………………      Y    N    DK

Have a dry mouth on waking up in the morning?………………..    Y    N    DK

Occasionally wet the bed?……………………………………………………….      Y    N    DK

5. Have you ever experienced your partner:

Grinding their teeth during the night?……………………………………….   Y    N    DK

Have twitching or kicking of their legs or arms?……………………….. Y    N    DK

6. Does your partner:

Wake up feeling unrefreshed in the morning?……………………………    Y    N    DK

Have a problem with sleepiness during the day?………………………..   Y    N    DK

 7. Has a friend, coworker or supervisor commented

that your partner appears sleepy during the day?………………….        Y     N     DK

8. Is it hard to wake your partner up in the morning?…………..          Y      N     DK

9. Does your partner wake up with headaches in the morning?..  Y     N     DK

10. Is your partner overweight?………………………………………….                   Y     N     DK

These questionnaires are not intended to replace professional diagnosis